Navigating through unchartered waters

At the time of writing this, things feel as though they are starting to settle. The restrictions are gradually being eased and some doors on our high streets are reopening for the first time in three months. Whilst there’s a way to go yet, it will be interesting to see the innovations and improvements made to work towards restoration and sustainability of our planet, lives and wellbeing; physically, mentally and spiritually.

At Horton Heath we’ve begun assessing our premises and the adjustments needed to be able to meet safely together when the time comes for us to be able to do so. A big undertaking, but again not something we are facing alone. It’s a task that has also begun in the wider community for the schools, work places and shops reopening. A lot of navigating through ‘unchartered waters’ to go but also a reassurance that we are all in the same storm together and God will work through this for the greater good. 

The restrictions may have shut our church doors across the nation but it has also broken down physical barriers that perhaps our buildings unintentionally created. With a vast selection of online worship freely available to join in from the comfort of our own sofas, you really can come just as you are (even in pyjamas!). Eliminating any sense of pressure, de-mystifying  what happens behind the church doors, and opening eyes and ears to familiar and new messages of hope and assurance. 

We all need to continue to look out for one another, continue in our prayer and praise to God, and keep nurturing the community spirit that has blossomed during lockdown.