New Year

One of the online Sunday reflections that really stood out during lockdown was all about prayer. The pandemic unleashed many feelings which were experienced both physically and spiritually. The feelings of isolation, distance, loneliness, questioning purpose, doubts, anxiety, and fears about the future, making the activity of prayer more challenging. During this service they shared accounts from people in varying situations, who each persevered through their individual feelings and rediscovered the hope and sense of peace prayer brings. Phil Togwell, Director at Prayer Spaces in Schools describes four simple steps to help us reconnect and pray:

P.R.A.Y: Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield.

Pause – ‘Be still for the presence of the Lord’. Let your mind rest. Find a quiet place. Release the thoughts and busyness of your to do list. Simply be.

Rejoice – ‘Enter His gates with thanksgiving in your hearts’. Talk to God about the things and people you are grateful for, and give thanks for them. It could simply be the weather, a connection in nature or a kind act experienced that day.

Ask – ‘Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you’. Ask God for what you need. It might be strength, healing, wisdom…
whatever you need to overcome the challenges being faced. Talk to Him about your situation and circumstances.

Yield – ‘You are all I need, it’s Your face I seek, in the presence of Your light, we bow down’. Bring everything to God in prayer, lay it at His feet. When you let go you will see new opportunities