Sunday School Outing

The annual outing started in Victorian times and went to Bournemouth by horse drawn farm vehicles, the boys in carts, the girls in more comfortable vans. We stopped at Redhill for lemonade and sandwiches before continuing to the beach. A dangerous incident occurred here one year, when a horse took fright and bolted down the hill with a van load of terrified girls in tow. One of the older girls managed to grab the reins and bravely brought the van to a safe halt.

Another adventure involved lost children (boys, of course), eventually retrieved from Bournemouth Police Station. More enjoyable adventures were tram rides up Richmond Hill, ice creams, and Pierrot shows.

When motor transport became available, we were able to travel further and Weymouth became our regular venue until the outings stopped in the early 2000’s. Weymouth had all we needed, a safe sandy beach, a funfair, sand sculptures, shops and cafes. Each outing ended with a fish and chip supper in Wareham.  

The photograph below, from 1948, shows the outing was not just for children, but the whole church community. Beachwear may have changed but the fun of enjoying God’s creation in the company of God’s people clearly hasn’t.