Harvest Time…

“Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?”

Matthew 6:26

Nature is already well underway preparing for harvest; with the ever busy grey squirrel scurrying around collecting hazelnuts to store up for the winter months. The leaves are starting to turn and fall, and thistle heads (among many other varieties) with their cashmere-soft, delicate seeds are catching the late summer breeze to start the cycle again.

“He gives food to every creature. His love endures forever”. Psalm 136:25

Join us in celebrating Harvest Festival this month on Sunday 5th & Monday 6th. The Chapel will be decorated with donated produce, hedgerow finds, home grown and homemade delights (all to be auctioned off on the Monday evening!).

The celebrations start off on the Sunday at 10.45am, followed by a 3pm afternoon service with Harvest tea. Join us on the Monday evening for an informal time of songs of praise with guest appearance from local singer-songwriter Peter Aston, followed by the auction of goods with Colin Besant. Don’t miss your chance to get your hands on the freshly baked cakes, delicious preserves, and a variety of fresh produce and goods – a fun evening in aid of Chapel maintenance funds. We look forward to seeing you there.

“There’s a little bit of sunshine, in all you do…”


Head on over on 21st June for a day in the countryside at the Craft & Hobby Festival, 10.30am – 4pm. Enjoy coffee & cake during the morning and cream teas in the afternoon whilst discovering the fantastic craftsmanship and hobbies in and around our local area.

The lyrics by singer/songwriter Perrin Lamb “There’s a little bit of sunshine, in all you do” is a great phrase to sum up the festival. It’s inspiring to see how individuals have turned their hand to a variety of skills and techniques, enabling them to make their own mark on the world. A creative expression of a little bit of themselves through their craftsmanship or hobby, and all for a great cause – all proceeds in aid of Macmillan Nurses. So join us for this celebratory day, enter the raffle, be inspired, treat yourself to delicious refreshments and whilst doing so help spread a little bit more sunshine…

Don’t forget to celebrate the father figures in your life this Father’s Day (- a lot of their traits shine through the things we do too).

…these special days are also a great reminder that we should try to do everything to our best ability and in doing so reflect the love and light of Jesus.


Craft & Hobby Festival

This month we’re busy preparing for a Craft & Hobby Festival on 21st June in aid of Macmillan Nurses. It will be a day to celebrate the many gifts and talents found in our local area and surrounding villages – so book the date in your diary to head to the countryside for the day.

We hope to have displays adorning the chapel in every nook and cranny showcasing the many wonders and delights of craftsmanship and creativity from gardening to baking, textiles to making and more… Enjoy a coffee & cupcake during the morning and cream teas in the afternoon, whilst surrounded by the beautiful countryside – all God’s own amazing craftsmanship!

So far we have a variety lined up including embroidery, photography, paper craft, card making, poetry, paintings, knitting…and more to come! If you have a craft or hobby you’d like to share and display at the festival please get in touch.


God designed and made each of us unique and as we are. He gave us hands to do good deeds; to work, to create, to encourage, to praise, to nurture and to care for others. Some works and gifts go unnoticed, and are sometimes taken for granted, but through this festival we celebrate and thank God for these gifts, and raise money for the continued work of Macmillan Nurses, whose caring hands have helped many a family through difficult times…


Harvest Lunch

Join in a traditional Harvest Celebration this October – where the Chapel will be decorated with donated produce, delicious preserves, and homebaked treats (some from family recipes handed down through the generations) – as recognition and thanksgiving for all that God provides throughout the changing seasons…

We’ll be adding to the celebrations this year with a Harvest Lunch on 6th October at 1pm

Roasted Vegetable Lasagne served with Seasonal Salad and Rustic Bread followed by a slice of delicious Strawberry Dessert Cake served with Whipped Cream

£5 per person

Book your place here

The celebrations also include Harvest Tea following the afternoon service on the Sunday and the Sale of Harvest Produce at the auction (in true Horton Heath style) on Monday evening — not to be missed!

The Good Samaritan

Our Sunday School along with the Hortons:


gave a great presentation depicting the parable of the ‘Good Samaritan’ as part of the Sunday School anniversary service last month. They’ve been busy over the past few weeks practising the sketch and writing, directing and filming a short, stop-motion animated film, with lego characters brought to life – including stunts, special effects and all the sound effects too “oooch ouch”.

The whole service was woven around the presentation by Janet Baker and highlighted the importance of the commandment to “love one another” – accepting each other for who they are (even if they are a “pinky” like Hermione). Every one of us is unique and special, each with their own role to play. If we act upon what our heart tells us, we begin to really live and experience life to the full…

Pancake Evening

This Shrove Tuesday (12th Feb) treat yourself to some tasty, freshly cooked pancakes filled with a selection of delicious toppings of your choice – an informal evening perfect for family and friends – we’ll be cooking lots of pancakes between 6 and 8pm, and there will be quizzes/ activities for you to tackle whilst you make room for another pancake or two… so feel free to drop in when you can. Donations in aid of Church funds.